Abbreviated CV
BA, UC Berkeley, Classical Languages
MA, Duke University, Art History
Ph.D., Duke University, Art History
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington (2020- )
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon (2018-2020)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Bucknell University (2017-2018)
Postdoctoral Fellow in History and Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland (2016-2017)
Visiting Scholar, School of Religion, University of Southern California (Spring 2017)
Isis in a Global Empire: Greek Identity through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece (2022, Cambridge University Press). Winner, 2023 First Book Award, CAMWS.
ed., with E. Isayev, E. Jewell, S. F. Adalı, B. Gray, S. Haddenbeck, T. Kaçar, and J. Mokrišová, Mobility in Antiquity: Rethinking the Ancient World through Movement. Rethinking Antiquity. (Under contract with Routledge Press).
ed., with C. Concannon. Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. London: Routledge, 2016.
Articles and Book Chapters
“Building Outside the Lines: Networks, Women’s Agency, and Euergetism in the Egyptian Cults.” Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome 68, 210-54.
“Gender and Alterity in Provincial Portraiture: Reconsidering the Isiac Grave Reliefs of Roman Athens.” Hesperia 90(3), 605-40.
“Materializing Migration: Towards a Theory of Integration in Isiac Cults.” NTT (Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift): Journal for Theology and Religious Studies 75 (2), 177-94.
with K. Langenfeld and R. B. Gorham. “Reflexivity and Digital Praxis: Reconstructing Ostia’s Social Networks.” In S. Blakely and M. Daniels, ed., Data Science, Human Science, and Ancient Gods: Conversations in Theory and Method. Forthcoming from Lockwood Press.
"An Isis Statuette from Amphipolis in Context." In R. Veymiers and L. Bricault, ed., Bibliotheca Isiaca IV. Bordeaux: Éditions Ausonius, 85-93.
"Fashioning a Global Goddess: The Representation of Isis Across Hellenistic Seascapes." In A. Kouremenos and J.M. Gordon, ed., Mediterranean Archaeologies of Insularity in the Age of Globalization. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 179-208.
"The Middle Platonic Isis: Text and Image in the Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods at Herodes Atticus' Marathon Villa." American Journal of Archaeology 122 (4), 611-44.
"Material and Textual Narratives of Authenticity? Creating Cabotage and Memory in the Hellenistic Eastern Mediterranean." In C. Concannon and L. Mazurek, ed., Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. London: Routledge Press, 39-64.
with C. Concannon. "Introduction: a New Connectivity for the 21st Century." In C. Concannon and L. Mazurek, ed., Across the Corrupting Sea: Post-Braudelian Approaches to the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. London: Routledge Press, 1-17.
Selected Fellowships and Awards
Annual Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America.
Von Bothmer Publication Subvention, Archaeological Institute of America.
C. Brian Rose Archaeological Institute of America-Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Fellowship for Study in Berlin (2020, deferred)
Residential Research Scholarship, Hardt Foundation for the Study of Classical Antiquity (2020, deferred)
Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship (2019-2020)
Shohet Scholarship, International Catacomb Society (2017-2019)
Seed funding, Onassis Foundation (2019)
Faculty Research Fellow, Oregon Humanities Center (2019-2020)
Recent Presentations
2024 Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. “Movement and Ritual in Portraiture: The Kinetic Echo.”
Langford Colloquium, “City & Cult in Roman Greece,” Florida State University. “Portraits as Documents of Ritual in Imperial Greece.”
Stanford Archaeology Center, Stanford University, “The Portrait as a Ritual Actor in Roman Thessaloniki’s Sacred Quarter.”
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Split, Croatia. “Portraits in the Sacred Landscapes of Roman Thessaloniki’s Sacred Quarter.” 2022.
Kosmos Society Open House series, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual). “The Egyptian Goddess in White Marble: Isis, Materials and the Reconfiguration of Greekness in the Roman Empire.”
3rd North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. “Inscriptions and Permanence: Memory, Spoliation, and Social Networks at Ostia and Dion,” (with K. Langenfeld). 2020.
Workshop Co-Organizer (with D. Wright): “Beyond Reception: Addressing Issues of Social Justice in the Classroom with Modern Comparisons.” Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 2020.
“‘Non Graecos minus barbaros quam Romanos puto’ : Les Romains et les Grecs de leur temps,” École Normale Supérieure de Paris, France. “Ethnicity on the Ground: Italians, Egyptian Cults, and Relationships with Greek Communities in the Late Republic.” 2019.
Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. “Conceptualizing Connectivity in Ostia Antica: the 2018 Field Season of the Ostia Connectivity Project,” (with C. Concannon, K. Langenfeld, R.B. Gorham, and A. Meyer). 2019.
“Digital Cartography Conference: New Maps, Ancient History,” Duke University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. “Mapping Social History: New Approaches to Epigraphy at Ostia,” (with C. Concannon). 2018.
Margins of the Mediterranean Workshop, Mediterranean Seminar. University of Michigan. “Self-Fashioning: Isiac Portraiture in a Provincial Context.” 2018.
Service to the Profession
Felicia A. Holton Book Award Committee, Archaeological Institute of America
Editorial Board, Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture (SPAAA) Series, Archaeological Institute of America and Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
Standing Committee on Information Technology, Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies in Athens.
Communications Coordinator, Roman Provincial Archaeology Interest Group, Archaeological Institute of America.