Media Appearances and Popular Writing
Retconning the Egyptians
Interview for podcast “Let’s Talk about Myths, Baby”

Pasts Imperfect: The Goddess Isis in A Global Empire
Blog post about my book, Isis in a Global Empire

Vanguard of the Viragos Podcast
Interview with ChelseaDee Harrison about my research on Isis and the project of women’s history.
January 2021
TRAC Webinar Series
Research talk exploring the concept of deterritorialization in the Isiac cults of Roman Macedonia for the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference’s webinar series.
February 16, 2021
Oregon Humanities Center
Research talk and Q&A on my forthcoming book, Isis in a Global Empire: Greek Identity through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece.
May 1, 2020
Interview with Hayley Brazier about my digital humanities work, particularly the Mediterranean Connectivity Initiative.
February 19, 2019
Interview with UO Today
Interview with Dr. Paul Peppis, director of the Oregon Humanities Center, about my research and teaching at the University of Oregon.
May 20, 2019
Teaching the Migration Experience
Blog post for Classics and Social Justice on my experiences developing and teaching a course on Ancient Migration (Fall 2017). Explores questions of ethics and sensitivity, course assessments and design, and bringing contemporary migration into the classroom.
October 7, 2018
Redefining Academic Productivity
Blog post for the Society of Classical Studies’ series on academic productivity. Discusses finding a personal workflow and redefining productivity as a positive emotion rather than concrete output.
February 21, 2019